Tuesday, November 2, 2010


People can’t tell what is in your heart, but they can see what you do with your life. I should look at your life and be able to tell what dwells in your heart, who you are and where you are going in life. Your life ought to be directed towards achieving your goals. Amongst a thousand, can people point at you as a good example or as a person worthy of emulation? Don’t wait till you get to the TOP, people you don’t even know, looks up to you. Its not until you get to the top before people can or will look up to you. Everybody has the power to INFLUENCE others, either knowingly or unknowingly. After all life is a journey, its not all about where you are going, but what you’ve learnt on your way to the TOP. Besides there is no peculiar place termed ‘THE TOP’, the TOP is just an imagination, whatever you call the top becomes the TOP for you. So we all influence at different stages of life, that is why at all times, your lifestyle should portray and send the right message. Try to avoid living a fake life, good character becomes a part of you, when you make it an habit, like they say ‘true character is who you are when nobody is watching’. Remember somebody, somewhere is looking up to you.


This life is a journey not a destination. The moment you start to think you've arrived & everyting seem to be working out smoothly, beware, because then you are likely to over relax, take caution for the strength of a MAN is not truly measured in his days of celebration, but in the days of his adversary. If your strength fails you in the days of your adversary then where is your FAITH?. Often times we get too comfortale in our comfort zone that we almost dont get to develop ourselves. But thats when trials & temptations comes in to play. Most time its not to tear us apart but to force us out of our comfort zone to the next level which we would never have attained if we remained in our comfort zone. Most times the challenge is usually not the trials we are faced with, but how we choose to perceive the situation. Some would keep asking God 'why me' but the real question should be 'why not me'. Nobody is better than anybody we all are dwelling on the Grace of God. Try to see every trial as another opportunity for development & that way the solution comes easier. May God strengthen us all.

Saturday, October 23, 2010



by Mobolaji Oba David on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 5:17am
"The moon relies on the for all its light; Without the sun, the moon would just be a large rock orbiting the earth. People are not the same, Without encouragement, support & hard work we are just lightness rocks orbiting with no real purposes. But when we do endeavor to make a difference, we are a full moon bringing light to those in the dark of this World.....